XOOCITY Achieves Impressive Milestone of 1.5 Million Users and Ready for Exchange Listings on Bifinance and XT
XOOCITY Achieves Impressive Milestone of 1.5 Million Users and Ready for Exchange Listings on Bifinance and XT
May 4, 2024
XOOCITY Meta Technology Ltd., a leader in the WEB3 commercial metaverse sector, has officially announced the release of the XOO Wallet, marking a significant development in virtual financial management.
Mar 1, 2024
XOOCITY Announces Launch of XOO Wallet and Complimentary Airdrop Campaign
XOOCITY Hong Kong, a local Hong Kong community in metaverse provides virtual land, web3 games and applications !
Jul 15, 2023
The Government today (October 31) issues a policy statement on the development of Virtual Assets (VA) in Hong Kong. The statement sets out the Government's policy stance and approach towards developing a vibrant sector and ecosystem for VA in Hong Kong.
Jul 15, 2023
Government issues Policy Statement on development of Virtual Assets in Hong Kong
Xoocity is a global WEB3 commercial metaverse with a focus on cultural and artistic exchange between the East and the West. Through the CitiFi model and leveraging blockchain technology, Xoocity facilitates borderless cultural integration, offering diverse products and services such as enterprise metaverse construction, cross border B2B2C marketplaces, brand NFT design, and digital asset development.
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